Click for the Audio Rocky Point Commercial
Below is the Rocky Point TV Commercial:
Rocky Point Amusement Park Commercial
Uploaded by ijeannie
I grew up in Rhode Island and I remember going to Rocky Point, when I was a kid. It was such a blast!

Rocky Point Amusment Park was in Warwick, Rhode Island. From 1847 - 1994.
Sadly, the park closed 1994.

History of Rocky Point:
Click History of Rocky Point HERE

A great sites with Rocky Point Information and photos:
Rocky Point's Golden Years:

Oh, and the Food!!!

Rocky Point Shore Dinner!!! Let me tell you, nothing better than clam cakes and their red chowder!

Brochures & Maps:

The Good Ol' Days.

Sad Photos of The Park Closed:

Before & After:

Latest Satalite View on Google Earth
View it on Google Earth for yourself!
Just add this on the search box:
41°41'22.21"N, 71°22'2.25"W

Closer View:

Here you can see the Rocky Point Entrance sign:

Hi all!
Nice Job! :)
Had to delete a lot of spam.
Thank you, to those who are actually leaving "real" comments and not spam. Spammers suck goat ass and I hope the choke!
I'd like to see the Shore Dinner Hall open again, and a flea market come to the park lands similar to the one located near Logan, Ohio would give the local people a place where they could once again come to enjoy the day. I don't see housing on this site, the economy is not supportive of that. People need a diversion in times of high unemployment. Perhaps a movie house with live theater available. Something like the Portland Saturday Market would also work for that land; each shopkeeper having a different hand made product, selling at fair prices. Local products made by locals, local community events, a shore dinner hall, family fun once again is a recipe for success.
Interesting story you got here. It would be great to read something more about that theme.
By the way look at the design I've made myself Companionship in London
it would be a nice place to have another park for the kids to go to and not with drugs, use to love that place ND IT GAVE us kids a place to un winde, they need something like that again, most of the states got rid of their parks and look at the kids now?
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