Monday, May 15, 2006

Meet The Cams

This is the wide view cam. It is stationed ontop of a bookcase. It usually shows the livingroom, kitchen and sometimes the hallway area, inside the house. It is a great indoor cam but it sucks with outdoor shots. It is usually on at night and when I am on rhode trips. Don got this cam on E-Bay for about $5, so I guess you really can't complain.

This is our main cam. It's a Logictech cam. It usually sits upon it's mighty tripod. It is great for both indoor and outdoor shots. This cam usually views the back pattio and yard, durring the day. At night, it faces either the kitchen or livingroom. This cam was picked up at CompUSA for about $100. It is worth every penny! It has fallen quite a few times but still works great.

This is what I refere to as the "outdoor cam". It takes great outdoor shots but sucks for inside shots. It is attached to my front livingroom window and faces outdoor to my front yard. It is one of those cheap pen-type cams I picked-up at Radio Shack for $10. It is off-line at night. Even with my front outdoor lights on, at night, this cam will show nothing but blackness. It's a $10 cam, remember. My street does not have any street lights so it might not even be worth upgrading.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.