Saturday, March 17, 2007

Kayla Riding Her Jeep

I have always wanted to get one of those small motorized cars for my daughter. I finally found a great deal on E-Bay.

I ordered the jeep and it arrived in a week. It came in a huge box and it had quite a few parts I had to assemble together. It took me about 6 hours to put together. Thank God I had an electric screwdriver or it would have taken me even longer to put together. You could tell the jeep was made in China because the wiring was not hooked-up correctly. The "forward" button made the jeep go backwards and the "backward" button made the jeep go farward. lol But that's alright. I just put my own labels on the buttons with those settings.

Other than that, it works great! The jeep is awesome and it even has working headlights. It has 2 speed settings: 2.5 mph. and 5mph. She uses the high speed in the grass and the low speed on the driveway. I am sooooo glad I got it for her. She loves it and it is a hell of a lot cheaper than the prices I have seen in the stores.

Here is a movie of Kayla riding her new jeep:

Kayla Jeep
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