Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Steve Irwin - May He Rest In Peace

I am still shocked! The world is shocked! The famous "Crocodile Hunter", Steve Irwin, has died. He will be missed by millions. He was full of life and was always looking for adventure. A "one of a kind" and one of the rarest men of our times.

Steve Irwin's Death
Uploaded by ijeannie

Irwin pulled barb out of chest before death
Reuters - Tue Sep 5, 10:08 AM ET
SYDNEY, Australia - Fatally injured "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin pulled a stingray's serrated barb from his chest before he lost consciousness and died, his manager said on Tuesday as fans worldwide mourned the exuberant naturalist. Hundreds of fans placed flowers outside his Australia Zoo in Queensland state and wrote messages on khaki shirts, part of his trademark uniform, as Irwin's body was flown home after Monday's freak diving accident off Australia's northeast coast.

Quiet Reverie has a great post recognizing Steve Irwin and the man he was.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the video clip, Jeannie, and for your post. I apologize but I moved my post here:

I just read on RR that Steve Irwin accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior two weeks before his death and said the day before he died that he had never been happier. I'm hoping it's verified as being true - he was such a good man!
- Donna